This is in jpeg format. If you want to use this, drag it into your desktop publisher and enlarge it to the size of the page. |
What a wonderful story! Jesus' good friend Lazarus is dying. Lazarus' sisters Mary and Martha send word to Jesus that His friend is ill, but instead of coming immediately, Jesus takes His time going to their home... and by that time, Lazarus is dead. Not only dead, but has been in the grave 4 days.
"If only".... That's what the sisters say to Jesus... "If only you had been here, dear Lord, our brother would still be alive." But, Jesus tells them that Lazarus will live again. The sisters misunderstand and think He means when they are all together in Heaven one day. Jesus tells Lazarus to come out of his grave, and he does just that!
There are so many lessons to learn from this story... God's timing is not our timing... Trust God even in the darkest situation... And, God is all-powerful... omnipotent! He can do anything!
My Sunday school kids loved dressing each other up as Lazarus with the toilet paper. What fun!
Bring several rolls of toilet paper... because everyone wants a turn at being Lazarus!
Mattison, Parker and Ava make Hannah into Lazarus! |
Awesome job, Hannah! Mattison is the best Lazarus ever! |
Parker helps Hannah with her "shroud" |
Ava and her Lazarus "shroud" |
Miss Candice, Ella, Mattison and Parker watch the proceedings. |
Getting out is almost as much fun as getting into it. |
What fun! |
Hannah, Parker and Ava work diligently. |
You're a good sport, Mattison! |
If you have a lot of kids in your Sunday School class, you might want to draw lots to see who will be Lazarus in each group. Here's a page I made. Just cut the pieces apart and put however many you want in each team... blank notes go to those who help 'shroud" Lazarus and the picture of Lazarus goes to the lucky kid who gets to play that part.
I haven't figured out how to embed a pdf file into the blog, but this is a jpeg. You can drag it to your desktop publisher piece of "paper" and cut out the pieces. |